This is my story. My wish is that you will find hope in this painful journey, hope and help before it comes to the worse end possible. A very wise and cherished friend once told me, in my weakened state of co-dependency, "You have to be happy whether your loved is or not"...those words ring in my mind, every day, a life saving Mantra if you will. Now advice was actually in all honesty in relation to a separate issue altogether, but alas, it works for the family members of an addict as well. You have to go on, live, be happy and function. So often we are pulled under, and into the depths of an addicts Hell. They are blind to it, and oddly enough, it is all you can think about.
So where is the support, calling all cars, the infantry? Let's say first and foremost, it comes from within. You can not fight this beast until you summon your strength inside. This is a beast by the way, make no mistake..and they have your loved one, and you held hostage. Overcoming this beast is about overcoming some of the emotional hang ups you have and becoming the thinking man. Beating addiction is a strategy, make no mistake about it.
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