Cocaine Effects
Cocaine effects are extremely detrimental on the body and the consequences related to cocaine effects can eventually lead to permanent damage, addiction and death. While each person who uses this drug reacts to it differently, there are two distinct categories of cocaine effects: short-term effects and long-term effects. Even if a person has only used cocaine once, he/she can experience short-term cocaine effects. Long-term cocaine effects appear after increased periods of use and are dependent upon the duration of time and amount of cocaine that has been consumed.
Cocaine Statistics
Cocaine effects are extremely detrimental on the body and the consequences related to cocaine effects can eventually lead to permanent damage, addiction and death. While each person who uses this drug reacts to it differently, there are two distinct categories of cocaine effects: short-term effects and long-term effects. Even if a person has only used cocaine once, he/she can experience short-term cocaine effects. Long-term cocaine effects appear after increased periods of use and are dependent upon the duration of time and amount of cocaine that has been consumed.
Cocaine Statistics
- 1 of 4 surveyed Americans ranging in age between 26-34 years of age, have taken drugs.
- Minnesota Institute for Public Health and drug prevention resource center reports that 5,000 adults in America take cocaine for the first time each day. (1985)
- Current statistics show that between 22-25 million people have taken cocaine at least one time in their life. Various data reports indicate that there are more than two million cocaine-users in America today.
- In comparison with old estimates, a large amount of cocaine can still be subject to detection from 10 to 22 days after the use in the users system.
- Over half of all emergency room visits are cocaine related.
- Every year the number of cocaine addicts continues to grow. In 1975 the estimated numbers were around 30,000.By 1986 it was estimated to be around 300,000 and to 361,000 in 2000.
- The percent of drug-users among students over the past 5 years increased from 2% in 1994 to 4.8% in 2000.
- 8.2% of all high school pupils surveyed in 2001 reported that they had taken cocaine.
- Men take cocaine twice as often as women take it.
- The amount of people, who have taken marijuana before using cocaine is 90%.
- About 300,000 babies were born in 1988 with cocaine in their systems.
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