Do not be fooled, this seemingly safe product is a killer in disguise when taken orally or snorted. One of the latest assaults on our society today is the easily obtainable bath salts which is sold on the market legally.
What are bath salts?
Bath Salts also known as Mephedrone, are manufactured in China and has a very similar chemically to cathinone compounds that are in a plant found in eastern parts of Africa. The effects of using bath salts are very similar to the highs from Methamphetamine and Cocaine. Users routinely crush the tablets and snort the powder from bath salts.How is it addictive?
The most dangerous aspect of bath salts is the fact that the addiction can happen almost immediately after use. Addiction can happen with the first usage of bath salts. The use of bath salts has been linked to suicide, and can mimic symptoms of mental disorders like Schizophrenia. Users become disoriented, delusional and often hear voices in their head. With continued use, these side effects become more severe and prevalent, putting the user and those around them in danger. One should never assume that bath salts are a mild form of drug, as it is just as dangerous and lethal as any other drug currently found on the streets. In fact because it is readily available in the market place and can be purchased legally, addiction is far easier to come by. Those with an addicted loved one must seek help immediately. Because this is a relatively new “high” it may be a while before public awareness fully takes a hold of this new epidemic.
Bath salt addiction symptoms:
Extreme cravings-
Addiction can be immediate. As such many users suffer from extreme cravings.Suicidal thoughts – Users are at risk of suicide and accidental death while under the influence o f bath salts. Because of the severe hallucinations that result from this drug, impaired judgment often places the user and family members at risk of death. Many users become suicidal when faced with the reality of their addiction.
Violence or aggression – Radical changes in behavior while under the influence of Bath salts often take place and does not exclude violent behavior, psychotic episodes and extreme aggression.
Hallucinations – One powerful symptom associated with bath salt use is the disconnect between that which is real and that which is imagined. It is very common for users to hear voices, and in many cases these voices encourage the user to destructive acts against themselves and others. The users also see things that are not there and often interact with these imagined objects, and/or beings. Users also may experience the sensation of being touched, or feeling as though something is crawling all over their body and under the skin.
Insomnia- Many bath salt addicts will suffer from insomnia in part to the other side effects and symptoms mentioned in this article like paranoia, delusions, and hallucinations. Many will not sleep for days due to the distorted realities the bath salt presents.
Rapid heart beat and rise in blood pressure – The effect that bath salts have on the heart and blood pressure can be so extreme that physicians often struggle finding the appropriate sedative dosage to give those in Emergency rooms for their bath salt addiction. Even high doses of sedatives have been ineffective as a treatment for this symptom. In some cases the patient must be anesthetized with general anesthesia medications
Fever – It has been reported that some users of bath salts have had fevers racing well beyond 104.
Weight loss – As with most addictive drugs, weight loss is a common side effect and addiction to bath salts often over time result in a dramatic drop in weight.
Paranoia – Users of bath salts often are paranoid of their surroundings and of people much like those suffering from mental disorders, and addicts of other harmful drugs.
Make no mistake, this drug is deadly.
Here are some available resources specific to bath salt addiction:
Crisis counselor: 1-800-207-7598
Free: Online Assessment
Solutions Recovery's 24-Hour Addiction Helpline at: 1-800-771-8599
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